Actually and seriously – this is a government website.
Now, this piece is not primarily about the abortion debate, pro-life or pro-choice. This is not about calls for free abortion on demand in the third trimester or forcing women to bear the child of their rapist, or any of the dilemmas in-between.
Personally I believe that an abortion should not be paid for with tax dollars and simultaneously be a safe procedure, it does end a life and should never be treated lightly and never be the “first” option, but it must remain available - to sum up, involving the government in almost any way in such a personally wrenching decision is not a good idea, whether it be abortion or pulling the plug of a family member (well, most family members.)
No, this about the very idea of the state of California having an abortion website in the first place.
To paraphrase “The Princess Bride” – Inconceivable! - until now.
Mixed in with the other state websites – the DMV, the tax board, the arts council, the CHP, etc. – is now a site dedicated to promoting one of the most controversial issues of the past 50 years.
And here is the actual link - - and here is Governor Gavin Newsom’s press release announcing the launch - .
The site details the state’s commitment to the procedure, how it’s free if you have state insurance, how anyone in the state – legally or illegally, resident or not – has a right to an abortion, and so on.
For a deep dive on the issue, check out the California Globe piece on the matter -
One can only imagine what other dedicated sites could be appearing soon –,,,,, and any number of other “touchy subjects” may attract California’s political blob and lead to the state to taking a public stance on even more controversial topics.
Of course, considering the truly archaic computer systems (remember the state’s unemployment agency’s loss of $30 billion to fraud -
it is quite possible that going to the website may result in getting an appointment for six years from now, pretty much defeating the point.
Update - the state is doubling down on the effort and has put up billboards in “red states” advertising the website -