As has been mentioned before and was specifically mentioned in Donald Trump’s inaugural speech, the idea of “Drill baby, drill!” is a key component of creating America’s energy independence…and maybe even earning a buck or two on the side.
But why stop at ‘Drill, baby, drill”? Maybe there are other matters that must be tackled forcefully and immediately and with a similarly catchy slogan.
To wit:
Bill, baby, bill – Referring of course to Congress getting its act together and passing the legislation coming down the pike ASAP.
Dill, baby, dill – While not terribly political, it could be a nice top line for a good Kosher pickle ad campaign.
Fill, baby fill – That would refer to both the national strategic oil reserve and the wallets of Americans as the fake money inflation dissipates.
Gill, baby gill – Expand the nation’s fishing boundaries.
Hill, baby, hill – Mount McKinley, anyone?
Jill, baby, Jill – While Joe pardoned everyone else in the family grift machine, he left out Lady MacBiden. It would be interesting to see her trying to explain her actions regarding Biden’s clear decline to a Congressional committee.
Kill, baby, kill – That is what is happening right now to the federal government’s various and sundry DEI programs – and those are good things to kill.
Lill, baby, lill – That could mean the public will never see a spokesperson’s tongue hanging out of their mouths while peddling incredulity, or it could refer to Lil’ Wayne being appointed ambassador to, um, Liechtenstein. Now that would be a hoot.
Mill, baby, mill – America will manufacture more of what it consumes and needs and will begin to export actual stuff again.
Nil, baby, nil – That should be how many times the new administration will lie to the American people…hopefully.
Oil, baby, oil – Assume that is self-explanatory.
Pill, baby, pill - The catchphrase for negotiating lower drug costs with Big Pharma.
Quill, baby, quill – The end of censorship and a call to everyone writer and reporter and (ugh) journalist to actually write the truth.
Rill, baby, rill – Protecting the rivers and lake and streams, properly. In other words, never declaring a temporary puddle on one’s property an actual “blue stream waterway,” allowing the feds to come in and regulate it.
Silly, baby, silly – The end of the woke cultural hegemony (I know it has an extra Y so it’s not quite the same but tough.)
Till, baby, till – The ‘Ka-ching!’ that will hopefully soon be occurring more often in the cash registers of the owners of small businesses (or farmers being able to use their land properly.)
Vill, baby, vill – Well, of course, there’s this:
Will, baby, will – The new purpose of the American people.
Xill, baby, xill – The name of the space aliens that were going to invade Earth until they realized that saying “Take me to you leader!” meant dealing with Trump.
The next four years will be an unprecedented journey for the nation, a turning back the clock (in a good way) on incompetence, laziness, and obstructionism by the civil service – at every level.
“Drill, baby, drill” actually means far more than just getting more oil and natural gas. It is in and of itself a call to self-sufficiency, entrepreneurship, and personal independence.
In other words, it’s a call to be - and a license to be allowed to be - American again.
There are other ideas and other letters that can be fused together so do please feel free to leave them in the comments – they are open to everyone