Thanks again to American Thinker for running this piece. You can visit the website at:
We’re not exactly sure about what it means.
We’re not sure exactly who leaked it.
But one thing we can absolutely be sure of in the wake of the dissemination of the Roe/Casey opinion draft is this:
Within minutes of the publication of the leak, various Democratic/progressive/etc. organizations began raising money off of the matter. Both CNBC and Business Insider have reported staggering cash hauls based off the leak: and
The first funding emails went out literally within minutes of the initial publication of the story. Conspiracy? Maybe not really – person A heard the story was going to come out, mentioned it to fundraiser B, fundraiser B wrote the email, and Bingo! – the ask was done.
Since it’s passage 50 or so years ago, Roe v. Wade has been a cornerstone of Democratic fundraising – literally billions of dollars have poured into the coffers of groups saying they are determined to defend the decision (it is true that massive amounts of cash have found their way into the hands of people trying to overturn the decision as well).
Then imagine if you will, the kind of cash cachet the issue of putting it back in place – the numbers are mindboggling, even if it nothing ever changes again.
Whether or not one needs more money to attack or defend a public policy matter is a bit of a question. When, for example, gay marriage was blessed by the Supreme Court, literally thousands of professional fundraisers and consultants and PR flacks and marketers celebrated the success of the years-long – and very lucrative – pressure effort, only to realize the next day that they need a new job – hence one of the reasons behind the massive Trans/gender, etc. debate.
Like South Park’s Cartman trying to create a profitable Christian band by changing the words of standard pop songs from “baby and darling” to “Jesus,” -
- the embedded permanent “justice” movement learned that it can simply pivot from one topic to the other. In this case it’s the same topic, just moving from defense to offense.
As mentioned in a previous item -
– this is not a new phenomena. From the March of Dimes (appropriately) to – insert name of charity here (inappropriately) – the creation of an activist infrastructure is meant to be permanent so that the social and economic capital earned under one rubric can be simply transferred to another without any of the employees having to worry about how to pay the mortgage next month.
As to who leaked what when, the two major theories floating about now are that a “republican” did it to soften the electoral blow of the news when it became official (“oh, yeah, heard that, old news…”) to the far more likely concept that a “democrat” did it to pressure Chief Justice Roberts and/or cause such an outrage the Court may “edit down” the draft.
Either way, a terrible transgression has occurred and we can only hope the FBI gets to the bottom of it.
Oh, wait… damn.