Updated update: A re-worked, far less self-celebratory version of this piece ran after the fact on American Thinker. If for some reason you are interested, you can find it here: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/01/will_the_united_kingdoms_return_to_normal_force_bidens_hand.html
And now you can find it on Zero Hedge at: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/will-uks-return-normal-force-bidens-hand … 73,000 views and counting
Since the initial publication of the “My Felericans” piece, significant movement in the issue has taken place , enough so to warrant this update. That and I was interviewed for the radio again so I thought I’d share those clips with my subscribers.
With United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson essentially declaring the pandemic over in Britain within the past couple of days, the argument for taking the risk and claiming victory and ending the pandemic will become stronger within the administration. It is true that Johnson - for political reasons - was unable to finesse the timing and had it thrust upon him - just as Marge Simpson’s sister Selma had celibacy thrust upon her - the decision can still be instructive to the Biden administration.
The Biden team will be watching the public reaction to the move intensely as they will practically be getting, to use a football analogy, a “free look at the defense” before they throw what could be seen as a “Hail Mary” pass. Furthermore, they can now point to the U.K. and say “hey, they did it and it worked out fine,” bolstering their own argument, reasoning, talking points, and the inevitable “no this is obviously not political” claim. Finally, it will also put pressure on Biden to declare the pandemic over as keeping the status quo in the face of a “successful” end will become even more difficult (if it’s a disaster, that’s a whole different cup of tea).
Additionally, a number of commenters on the story were unmoved by the possibility of the political advantage of declaring the pandemic over because doing so could force the end of the inherent voting systems benefits Democrats reaped due to the crisis. To that end, it should be noted that while the Labor Day timing window does leave people irritated for the entire summer, one significant advantage for the administration of that scenario would be that, due to its proximity to Election Day, it could be claimed that it is too late to change the current “emergency pandemic” voting systems. That way the pandemic is still officially over but the systemic edge - everyone gets mailed a ballot, drop boxes, harvesting, etc. - that has so indisputably and clearly benefited Democrats up and down the ballot remains in place.
And now on to me being famous: here is the KTRH AM 740 – Houston story. The text follows with the WAV files of the two different on-air versions below.
Remember "two weeks to slow the spread"? The good ol' days? Or how about "follow the science"?
Not only do the Dems have a messaging dilemma, they now have to decide when to announce what we've all known for months. The pandemic is over.
The left have become masters at the art of cancelling. Just look at how conservatives are treated. Cancelling the pandemic, could be a much needed for the Democrats. Almost like a political 'hail mary' before the midterms.
"With nothing else to run on, they need something big" said political writer Thomas Buckley, who wrote about the topic for American Thinker, "It would change obviously everything going forward when it comes to the fall. When you can declare yourself a winner, why not take the opportunity?"
The big question is, when and how will they decide to do it?
"The timing is going to be crucial" said Republican strategist Vlad Davidiuk, "It would not surprise me if probably Labor Day, right as the campaigns are getting started, they start lifting pandemic restrictions, and lifting mask requirements. They're going to try and take a victory lap on this."
With Covid numbers on decline, and Joe Biden's disapproval ratings on the rise, they may not be able to wait that long.
"It's not far fetched to envision puppet master's for Joe Biden, to engineer an end to the pandemic just in time to help lift their party's chances in the upcoming elections" Davidiuk told KTRH.
And then after the elections are over?
"It can always come back" Buckley told KTRH, "Obviously at some point in the future, something similar will occur. I'm sure there are lots of people who would like to keep this permanent."
They both noted how Covid has already been cancelled in the UK. We'll see what happens next, here in the U.S.
And here are the files – please note that I’m pretty sure you will be able to listen to them but transferring them to a Word document/Substack page was a bit more complicated than I expected so hopefully you will be able to access them. If not, and you just can’t get enough of my dulcet tones, feel free to email me at planbuckley@gmail.com and I can directly forward the files (even I can’t screw that up).