Thanks to Real Clear Politics for running this piece. You can visit the website (I know, you probably already do) at:
And thanks to the California Globe for running a “local” version of this piece. You can find that additional content at the bottom of this piece or you can visit the website at:
If you cannot change to fit the environment, then change the environment.
Beavers accomplish this on a small scale by building a dam; futurists look to Mars or Saturn’s moon Titan as places that – over the course of thousands or even millions of years – could be changed to create an environment at least somewhat resembling Earth’s, thereby allowing humans to live there relatively unencumbered by the accoutrement usually needed to survive outside out our atmosphere.
This is called terraforming and if you want to see what a version of that process will entail, just look around you as the longstanding American socio-political environment is being terraformed in real-time by – and for the benefit of – one very distinct subset of humans: the elite woke.
With full knowledge that few of any of their ideas or programs could survive in a normal atmosphere, the elite woke/progressive/equitarians have made it their mission to change the very atmosphere of politics.
And, like terraforming Mars would be, this political terraforming is a deliberate, intentional, expensive process that is extremely difficult to stop once it has begun.
This is not an effort to win an election or two or get a new book in an elementary school or even to impose diversity of everything except thought on the culture. This is an effort to completely, utterly, and permanently alter the landscape, the very political eco-system in which we all exist to their permanent advantage.
The process started with the “long march through the institutions,” or the methodical on-going effort to begin to modify the existing individual-centered system from the inside. The internal atmospheres of important societal touchstones and guide – government agencies, non-profit groups, service organizations, the media, and academia (especially academia) – began to be subtly shifted so as to comfortably house the collectivist impulse. As that work progressed, those who had difficulty breathing in the new atmosphere – the terraforming equivalent of a change in the molecular makeup of the air – found themselves unable to continue, pushed out not by being fired, per se, but by simply not being able to survive in the new conditions.
And they were replaced by people who were pre-adapted to the new atmosphere by schools and social connections (or by people who forced themselves to adapt to be able to get a head in the new world.)
From there the terraforming picked up speed, snowballing – just as it would on Mars or Titan - as it gobbled up new groups, new people, new angers.
Its successful progress can be seen everywhere – speech codes, censorship (with Gen Z even openly and proudly endorsing it,) cancel culture, and the corporate (the terrarfomers snuck in when the bad old rich white capitalists had to hire kids to operate their social media presence) embrace of ESG and DEI.
The focus on censorship is not a by-product of the process, but an essential part - the terraformers changing the atmosphere now do know one very simple basic fact of life:
If you can’t breathe, you can’t talk.
Until the process is complete, just as if they were on another planet the terraformers occupy safe structures, woke habitat domes if you will. From those credentialed cocoons - protected and made impenetrable by money and the media – they can merrily plan and plot and engineer new and better ways to speed the process along without ever exposing themselves to any risk.
The domes are built by academia and serviced and maintained the political terraformers version of NASA: the foundations, the NGOs, the thought leaders, the scions of the social economy, all gently guided by the international intertwined complex of government agencies, intelligence services, and industrial funders who stand to gain the most and can kick anyone out of the dome and into the toxic atmosphere any time they want for any reason they want.
The ease with which people can be kicked out of the dome – and the ease with which other people can be convinced to kick people out of the dome – can be seen in the pandemic response. The enforced isolation, the social shaming, the unemployment, the destroyed friendships, the tactical loneliness, and the end of education were merely a test run for what will happen down the road.
Who exactly are the terraformers? Not really the kids you see gluing themselves to roadways, the people shouting that school libraries need to represent queer reality to second-graders, not even the people still wearing masks. Those are at best the troops, though cannon fodder is typically a more accurate description as they are seen as both dependable and dispensable.
The terraformers are thing/people like the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Gorge Soros’ Open Society, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Gates Foundation, the WHO, the WEF, ESG-reliant investors, and on and on ...
The atmospheric activity is taking place at all levels, in all pursuits.
Local politics: Soros and his district attorneys, CZI on paying for election workers. Media control – paying in one form or another for positive coverage in what was once the respectable Grande Dame known as the media, now a clapped-out whore too incoherent to even know it is being raped. Finance: ESG, social credit systems, and deciding who gets to use the bank and who does not. Justice: focus on freeing felons and prosecuting the politically problematic. Health: medicalize everything. The climate: the irony of bemoaning fake climate change while engaging in real political climate change is too depressing to even mock.
In politics, there are things called “grass roots movements.” That is what the terraformers are pretending to be on issue after issue, location after location, election after election. But grassroots is about working the soil, as it were, and not ripping it and replacing it with something that will make sure it will never grow again.
That uprooting of the soil is just a part of the process, as is the belching of toxic gases into the socio-political environment, something social media is so good at it almost seems that that was its intent all along.
Governments come and go – that is not terraforming. What the CIA did in Central America and the Soviets did in Eastern Europe 50, 60 years ago were mere regime changes that swapped out one bunch of crooks for another, no matter their political blatherings.
They can only enviously dream of the success today’s terraformers are having…or maybe they don’t have to as the CIA and its DC deep state cohorts are taking full advantage of the technique at this very moment.
Maybe they have learned that with enough money you may not need guns.
The National Endowment for Democracy – an oxymoronic NGO whose job it is make the world safe for plutocracy – has spent billions around the globe pre-funding and pre-selecting future leaders and lackeys for the terraforming process.
The World Economic Forum - and countless other civil society groups are quite open about their part of the terraforming project: the public mind. Behavioral nudge after nudge after nudge and then with one last “ping” the public – willingly or obviously – simply falls over the cliff and out of the way.
Financial terraforming is spreading as well. No longer can you open a bank account and assume it will stay open as long as you keep it current. Fiscal instruments like stocks are rated in part on their adherence to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards that have nothing to do with money but are all about opening up new parts of the globe to the terraforming process. Sri Lanka learned this lesson the hard way , and the food riots and economic collapse that happened there should serve as a warning of what is to come for the entire globe.
If you want to terraform a planet, you have to break a few countries along the way.
The terraforming is not limited to the socio-political theater. The climate change movement is not about stopping the climate from changing; it is to change it in a way that benefits the terraformers as much as possible. The goal of the movement is enforcing less – less people, less energy, less food, less water, less freedom – because “less” is easier to terraform.
Though the terraformers at least pay public lip service to the lie that they are doing this for the benefit of everyone and everything. It also means that they can try to (falsely) claim that at least the new normal couldn't possibly be any worse.
Coordinating micro-political efforts is the little known but extremely widespread organization called GARE , the Government Alliance on Race and Equity. Hundreds of government agencies – city councils, county boards, etc. – are members of a group that explicitly teaches them how to sell the issue of the existence of systemic racism – and every other ism - to their citizens.
Systemic – a very particular choice of words for the terraformers because “systemic” problems cannot be solved by repairing, renovating, or rehabilitating. No – systemic problems call for – nay, demand - the complete destruction of the infected system and its replacement by something else.
It is that something else that the terraformers are building.
That something else must by necessity reject history – nothing before terraforming can be remembered, the before time, the long long ago must be erased because those left living in the new world cannot have any frame of reference for comparison.
Terraformers need a clean slate.
And that’s what they are making right now.
Note - a version of this article ran in the California Globe, focusing on specific examples of the process in action there. Here is that addiotnal content so you can compare/contrast to check to see if it’s happening where you live…it probably is:
In California, for example, that uprooting of the soil to prepare for the terraforming is being done by groups like the Tides Foundation and the California Endowment.
Tides funds - - groups like The Color of Democracy, which helps to “strategic initiatives that will connect to citizens’ everyday life, create pipelines and new issue environments for progressive candidates, generate concrete policy changes, and, ultimately, create a large and active progressive base,” and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, which is “a convener for an inclusive, representative network of stakeholders including government organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, donor groups, professional associations and community practitioners to create a forum for discourse and collective learning.”
The California Endowment - - is a health care non-profit force founded by the state to improve health insurance access that spends almost nothing on improving health insurance access.
Instead, massive amounts of money – tens of millions of dollars – go directly into buying media, manipulating voters, “empowering” progressive causes, and bullying opponents into submission.
At the governance level, there is the state’s San Francistocracy-controlled Democratic machine, which churns out identical droneidates to be elected from districts they have already carved up - . The machine – helped along by the immaculately clueless Republican Party and the Sacramento power blob - - directs and controls resources in every nook and cranny of the state, all with the intent of terraforming California even faster than the rest of the nation.
To a large extent it has already worked – 57.7% of California voters will usually vote as they are told and 53.7% will always vote as they are told; they’re already comfortable in the new atmosphere.
With their partners in public unions - and – again, dependable and dispensable though they do not know that yet – the terraformers can fly the banner of reform rather than wholesale replacement.
The Constitutional American
Yes, but what is to be done?
The choice is very simple. Either keep talking the talk or choose a course of action and walk the walk.
The old concept of voting to elect someone to represent us as an individual was the patriotic duty. The duty was fulfilled with the casting of the vote. But as the Democrats have learned decades ago it is only half of our duty. The other half is to know how the elected official actually votes on all of the various issues.
The Democrats have been screening out their non performers, not voting the party line, for many election cycles now. Kristen Sinema of Az. is just the latest example of that purge. The Republicans on the other hand revel in chaos, in diversity of opinion and view within their ranks, and perpetually tolerate those who vote with the Democrats.
This explains why when the Republicans have control, that they seldom reverse any legislation passed by the Democrats. There are simply too many RINOS being reelected time and time again. Currently, Kevin McCarthy leads the pact of RINOS.
When the individual Republican voter demands a party line vote from their representative then we will see a change of course.
It will be very helpful for those of us getting the sharp end of the spear to withdraw from the UN. It should be completely defunded and left to rot. The rot is already there so it would collapse fairly quickly. The UN is the elites vehicle of choice and is their ideal Trojan Horse where they can infect every society and do it in the name of the social good. Really the "One World Order" needs the UN to impose their vision on the rest of us. Without it they will have to go country by country, and it will require a lot more time and energy and money to achieve. They may actually have to work hard for it, then they would have to give it up. The elites make others do their hard work for them, so they can enjoy their life of leisure.