Deadnaming is bad, but deadtransing is good.
A growing trend in trans activism is to look through history and find famous women and declare that they were, in fact, men.
Since calling someone by their prior name (even if they haven’t legally changed it or change it on a regular basis – Anaximander today, Nefertiti tomorrow) is an unforgivable sin, it would logically follow that posthumously changing a person’s sex and/or gender (either both or neither exist, it seems – I wish they would make up their minds on that) without their express written consent would be just as forbidden.
Not even remotely true.
Not only is deadtransing important to understand the contextual truth of someone’s life, it is also important that the trans youth of today know they are part of a long line of brilliant people who were – and, like them, will continue to be if the Republicans get their way – denied the freedom to access their true nature. So we are told - no, ordered - no, commanded upon risk of purge to think:
Utter nonsense, of course, but having more famous people in your tribe is great for marketing…four of out of five dentists recommend Trident gum for their patients who chew gum.
Louisa May Alcott is the latest to fall prey to the pedagogic predators who plow the past for personal popularity in the present.
Others - like Carson McCullers, etc. – have also faced forced involuntary post-mortem gender reassignment surgery - .
The intentional misogyny of this movement is so obvious as to cause one to wonder why the trans community hates women so much. Is it because they can’t stand having been one or, going the other way, that they are imposing their stereotypical imaginings of what a woman (or girl) should be and anything outside that vision is wrong? Either way, the blatant bigotry is palpable.
It seems now that even being a lesbian is not “good” enough for the T people in LGBTQIA+ – prior to deadtransing, that’s what most of the great woman writers – Alcott included - - were labeled by the politically precocious.
Of course, that was before the trans lobby kicked that idea to the curb and took them as their own because, you know, dykes are just scaredy trannies. It seems that work-a-day lesbians, either glam or butch, but especially butch, might as well now be straight white guys for all the social cachet that still carries (ask – privately - your good old-fashioned lesbian friends what they think of trans activism and you will get an earful.)
Now, tomboys are men, people who shorten Alexandra to Alex are men, women who do men’s jobs are men, but people with a penis who call themselves women are women (and if lesbians aren’t attracted to them only because they happen to have a penis, they’re not just being lesbians, they’re being transphobic.)
What is one of the more fascinating aspects of this whole discussion is the utter reliance of trans activists on stereotypes they otherwise demand be destroyed.
Because if you are “really” a girl you must talk about makeup and fashion and coo and giggle and hand around tampons and talk about the sisterhood and watch rom-coms while eating raw cookie dough on the couch and get menstrual cramps - here’s a piece on “degendering menstruation” - - all the time.
Despite being born with a functioning uterus and vagina, you are not a girl unless you conform and this has nothing to do with deeply misogynist effeminate men imposing their vision of what they think girl and/or womanhood must be so as to gain unwarranted societal power– how dare you even imply such dastardly motives!
This mindset is somewhat akin to people who here any criticism of George Soros and immediately cry “anti-semite!” or hear the term “monkeypox” and immediately think it sounds racist – only to people who have that kind of bigotry stuck deep in their lizard brains would that occur.
In other words, if hearing about a lot of money immediately makes you think Jew and hearing the word monkey immediately makes you think Black people and hearing the words women and girls immediately makes you think of gossiping and cooking and pink and ponies, then you are the one with the problem.