The most important reporting here is the potential for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to delay the new regulation's enforcement for up to 10 years. Trust me, they will take full advantage of that. Rep. Tom Massie (R-KY) and others will have future opportunities to secure repeal of this ill-advised requirement. This isn't the only "safety" requirement that is uninforceable, or makes no sense - these groups have a bizarre grip on Congress, from preventing higher truck weight limits with an extra axle on vehicles, making them safer and resulting in less damage to highways and bridges (as Europe has done for years).

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Limp home mode will kill you from a sudden heart attack at the driver's wheel when your car unexpectedly slows to 20 mph in the 65 mph far left lane. What if this technology gets into the hands of bad actors who infiltrate the energy grid or water supply?

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