How sadly, tragically and pathetically ironic that the parties that bemoan voter suppression have invalidated the votes of millions of Colorado citizens. One does not need to be a Trump supporter to see that the action of the Colorado Supreme Court requires legal contortions of epic proportions to be “justified”. Pretzel logic is not just a Steely Dan album.
The minority party likes to believe they are the majority, and they intend to silence the actual majority in order to prove it. In other words, 40% of the people think they are 60% of the people 100% of the time.
How sadly, tragically and pathetically ironic that the parties that bemoan voter suppression have invalidated the votes of millions of Colorado citizens. One does not need to be a Trump supporter to see that the action of the Colorado Supreme Court requires legal contortions of epic proportions to be “justified”. Pretzel logic is not just a Steely Dan album.
The minority party likes to believe they are the majority, and they intend to silence the actual majority in order to prove it. In other words, 40% of the people think they are 60% of the people 100% of the time.