I agree that Trump has a COVID problem, but perhaps unfairly. There was so little known, hidden behind ChiComm and - now we know -Anthony Fauci's secrecy and collusion that Trump relied on his "experts" to guide him. He should have course corrected - as Ron DeSantis did, and quickly - as facts and evidence became known. Trump and his massive ego couldn't admit the government "experts" - and he - might be wrong. The bigger challenge might be the one thing he still takes credit for, Operation Warp Speed, which produced ineffective, if not killer, vaccines. Oddly, the resulting erosion of public confidence in our health infrastructure, among other institutions, actually benefits Trump politically. Go figure.

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Excellent! Right on the money!

I would put the conclusion more strongly: Trump was a very good president not just "better then Biden", which is faint praise indeed. Nobody is perfect; even Reagan made missteps, as did Washington and Lincoln. We weigh the bad with the good and evaluate the balance. DJT comes out far better than most.

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